Campus Master Plan

Situated as it is at the intersection of Interstates 10 and 25, New Mexico State University (NMSU) is positioned to impact both the state and region as it strives to expand its academic and research programs.  Its master plan, created by Hanbury, is designed to help the school achieve its goal of becoming one of the top tier research institutions in the United States by the year 2020. 
To support an anticipated 25,000 additional students by that year, the master plan calls for a strategy of infill development within the existing academic core, and restricts development beyond a 15-minute walking distance to the east and west. New construction will define, rather than consume, civic/open space for campus; the core will be expanded towards the south and focus on accommodating future research and academic facilities growth.
The plan also proposes a new primary entry to the campus at Jordan Street to resolve access issues that have developed over the years. Working closely with the City, the neighborhood, and the University, Hanbury was able to develop a linear corridor Gateway Project, running almost a mile in length and linking the university with public transit and nearby retail. In revising the zoning for the overlay district traversed by the Gateway, NMSU will establish a desirable urban "town/gown" character along University Avenue.
“We are experiencing much renewed interest in our university’s development as a direct result of the efforts of the team and the excellent master plan developed by the process.”
– Michael Rickenbaker, AIA, Former University Architect, New Mexico State University

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